Become a member of Artis-Tick

Artis-Tick members have access to the rented gymnasiums in Vienna. An overview of the current training options can be found here. The hall meeting at WUK is also open to non-members, but it costs everyone 2€ per visit (including Artis-Tick members).

Furthermore, each Artis-Tick member, upon presenting a valid Artis-Tick ID, is eligible for a 20% discount on events at the Circus and Clown Museum.


Becoming a member of the Artis-Tick association is straightforward. Come to one of our open training sessions and pay the fee of 10 euros for the current school year on the spot. Just ask around who is collecting today; we don't bite 😸, and the first trial session is free anyway. Starting this school year, we are collecting member data through a web form on CryptPad. It helps us maintain the member list and saves us some work when transferring data to the member registry.


Of course, we also appreciate donations and supporters of our association! If you'd like to transfer funds directly to our account, you can find our Account Details.

Account Details
HolderVerein Artis-Tick
BankBawag P.S.K.
