About us

The association ARTIS-TICK was founded in 1997 and serves the following purposes:

  • To provide regular training opportunities for adults in Vienna
  • To promote and strengthen the art of juggling, acrobatics, and circus arts in general
  • To organize stage projects
  • Possibly even to host a convention
  • To encourage exchange
  • To organize workshops
  • To have a legal basis for all of this

We provide several gyms for open and free training from September to June. There, you can juggle with your own equipment, either alone or together. In addition to ball juggling, club passing, or diabolo, disciplines like aerial arts, poi, staff, unicycling, dance, etc., are also possible. To make use of these training opportunities, club membership is required. The cost for membership is €10 per school year.

Board of Directors

We strive to carry out the many small and large tasks that arise in an association to the best of our knowledge and ability. Each of us brings different interests and expectations to the association. In this way, we aim to be a lively, diverse, and creative team.

Our goal is to provide an affordable training opportunity in Vienna for everyone who enjoys juggling and related modern circus arts. We find it most rewarding when many people come to the gyms, have fun, and train in a social and friendly atmosphere.

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MedieninhaberArtis-Tick - Verein zur Förderung und Verbreitung von Jonglierkunst und -sport
